There is a place that we explore in these videos where the dionysian energies run free. It is a metaphysical, liquid transforming space. It is a kind of metaverse, virtual reality, ephemeral environment filled with a mystical/spirit glow. Humanity has crossed into this place and they take on whatever forms they choose. There is a hedonistic atmosphere and it is like a perpetual party with many indulgences and shapeshifting and these creatures explore their senses and various physical forms. At first this place has a seduction and a light happiness to it, groovy shapes and forms and joy, characters dance and slowly transform. Everybody partakes in this collective energy in the form of some kind of liquid, or perhaps a light they absorb and assimilate. there is a religiosity to the forms the space takes, the decorations and the monuments, some universal non-specific symbology
but something's not quite right about this place, there is a freakyness and a strange vibe running through it. something is in the water or the light
We experience this space through the journey of a character. This character is being initiated into this unfamiliar world and the strangeness of it at first is overwhelming. they don't feel comfortable and are hesitant to engage or indulge. The character goes through a phase of adjusting and normalizing the environment and the things going on. They become convinced of its ecstasy and they themselves begin to transform and believe they are in heaven.
Then comes a moment of conflict. this character perceives another space running parallel, a hidden portal, perhaps they are led to it by someone trying to help, trying to unveil. there is another dimension beyond this space, it is dark and poisoned and mouldy. it is where all the shadows of this dionisian society live. the character witnesses a cycle of violence and consumption, a great undulating being/monster or many beings/monsters eating and murdering themselves, and ouroborus of death whose by-product is the light being consumed in the hedonistic dream space. the engine for the whole thing. it's blood in the form of a glowing light drips down through the plumbing and filters and is condensed to keep the party running
For me this idea is a starting point to draw out and elaborate on. It is an interesting opportunity on this project to flesh out an idea that could cross over both videos with moments that could cross over into the trailers. The first video could take place over the first phase of discovery and normalization of the character and the second be about the discovery of the darker side. or the first could take you up to the discovery of this beast and then the character could enter inside the darkness to go on another journey of reflection and resolution within the beast.
Normally i would spend a couple of weeks on experimentation and the development of characters and environments. I decided to focus on a shot that would establish a strong feeling of the color and form in the video. My vision is to create the sense of a sacred ancient space, a religious feeling to the environment/event taking place. symbols and monuments are dotted throughout and the atmosphere outside is one of a glorious eternal sunrise with surreal hues. the liquid that everyone partakes in flows through the spaces and out into the world. some darkness lurks at the margins, not obvious at first.
included are also a handful of concepts for the forms that the humans begin to evolve into as they are immersed in the atmosphere. we will see various stages of these tranformations in action and as the character delves deeper into the world they till will begin to shift and evolve. here are also some rough drawings of some of the other monuments and actions dotted throughout the outer ephemeral liquid space